Dance Studio Sussex County Delaware



Offering the Most Comprehensive Dance Training in the Area
Sussex Dance Academy is a premier dance studio that opened in Georgetown in the fall of 2002. The Academy stresses the teaching of dance through detailed instruction based on proper concepts of dance technique. Our students will gain a solid dance education with well-trained, professional dance educators.

Sussex Dance Academy is an important consideration for those parents seeking quality dance training for their children. The discipline, self confidence, and knowledge gained through dance education at Sussex Dance Academy will help to develop well-rounded individuals regardless of future ambitions.

studio news 

The Academy follows the Cape Henlopen School District for weather-related closings OR check this website for closings...

JOE CORBI FUNDRAISER IS NOW UNDERWAY! Proceeds go toward the 2025 Nutcracker Production (Proceeds help cover the following: costumes, alterations, guest artist, back drops, props, Mid-South Audio fees...)

Sussex Dance Academy offers safe and convenient online class registration for new and current students.

Copy and paste this link to your browser:

Please note: Class descriptions are noted on this website; once you leave this website (by following the link) you will be able to enroll in Fall 2020 classes - but most information is available on our site.  The Danceworks site is provided for online registration.

SDA Placement Guidelines: Most classes repeat several times since we don't offer 12 levels of instruction...

Pre-Ballet I & Creative Dance (Pre-K 3-4). We like dancers to be 3 as of Sept. 1 (few exceptions for children turning 3 in September/October) with an evaluation class first. 
Pre-Ballet II (Grade K; must be age 5 by September)
Ballet 1 (Ages 6-8; Grades 1-2)
Ballet 2 (Ages 8-9; Grades 2-3)
Ballet 3 (Ages 9-11; Grades 3-5)
Ballet 3X (Ages 10 & up; mostly Grades 6-8) Minimum of 2 BALLET classes per week...This class is done by placement by Mrs. Walker

Teen (Ages 12+ with Permission only) 
Ballet 4/5 THIS CLASS IS BY PLACEMENT ONLY: it is by placement only for grades 8 and older unless Mrs. Walker thinks that you are technically ready for this class AND mature enough for this class. For example, mom doesn't need to help you do your hair, makeup or sew your pointe shoes. In addition, you should be a SERIOUS ballet student who chooses dance as their primary extra-curricular activity. Minimum of 3 BALLET classes per week...If your attendance or attitude is poor or if you cannot keep up in this class, you will be placed in Ballet 3X. 

See our other class guidelines under CLASS DESCRIPTIONS:  


No refunds on class registration, tuition or costume fees for any reason.

We offer a (class credit) for you if the reason of your withdrawal was out of your control: (doctor's note with a serious illness or injury; or other mandated closings). This class credit can be used at the next upcoming dance season or summer camp.  

In addition, we cannot pro-rate a class according to your schedule. Please consider this before enrolling.  Thank you.

QUESTIONS?  Please email us at or call (302) 645-7855

Sussex Dance Academy | 18585 Coastal Hwy, Suite 20B, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 | (302) 645-7855 |

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